Green June 2013
The month-long Green June festival includes a range of events focused on empowering and encouraging the community to live more sustainably. Green June is a great opportunity for residents to learn how they can reduce their environmental footprint while also contributing towards a more sustainable future. The word sustainable captures everything we want to do — it means working towards protecting the environment, strengthening the economy, and cherishing the character of our communities. With more than 20 events, activities and festivals across the region, including the biennial and inspiring Floating Land Festival, the Sunshine Coast World Environment Day Festival, the Living Smart ‘Glossies’ Awards, EcoFlicks, the Noosa Festival of Water and a myriad of practical workshops and forums on food, backyard biodiversity and energy, there’s something for the entire family. Discover the latest in green technologies, learn practical hands-on solutions, enjoy the ‘green art’ talent of local...