Major and Regional Events Strategy to help boost economy

The Sunshine Coast is one of Queensland’s most popular tourism destinations and its economy is strongly dependent on the tourism industry. The region is experiencing national and international competition in attracting visitors and council, the tourism industry and other key stakeholders have identified major events as a driver to capitalise on existing and emerging tourism opportunities.
The Sunshine Coast Major and Regional Events Strategy 2013-2017[PDF 2.5MB], adopted by Council on 20 June 2013, will help guide council and the new Sunshine Coast Events Board to leverage and grow existing events, develop the region’s capability to retain these events and enable it to attract new events.
Major and regional events help boost the region’s economy and promote social inclusion, wellbeing and cultural benefits.
The Major and Regional Events Strategy will focus on attracting and retaining events that take advantage of our natural assets.
Sunshine Coast Events Board
The Sunshine Coast Events Board will be established as an advisory committee of Council to:
  • provide strategic advice on issues and opportunities to support the region’s investment in existing major events
  • identify other possible sources of sponsorship funding
  • secure new major events for the region and
  • oversee the implementation of the Sunshine Coast Major and Regional Events Strategy.
The Events Board will consist of nine members, including Tourism, Sport and Major Events Portfolio Councillor Jason O’Pray, a senior representative from Tourism and Events Queensland, and the remaining seven members from business and community including the tourism industry.

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