2014-15 Sunshine Coast Council Budget
Council adopted the 2014/15 budget at a special meeting on 26 June 2014. This is a budget that:
- capitalises on opportunities
- builds confidence for a stronger community
- continues to achieve our vision to become the most sustainable region in Australia with a sustainable economy, a sustainable environment and a sustainable community.
The budget was developed in conjunction with:
- council’s Operational Plan 2014/15 [PDF 598KB]
and in accordance with - council’s Financial Sustainability Plan 2010-2020 [PDF 2.9MB]
Budget snapshot
- balanced budget—$509 million
- $114 million Capital Works Program
- general rate increase of 5%
- no increase to general levies
- pensioner discount continues, about $3.1 million
- early payment discount continues, about $7.5 million.